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We have a range of sponsorship options to suit all budgets!



Give the gift of consistency today. £150 a month will sponsor a skilled staff member, helping to provide long-term consistency and loving care for our children.

Education Supplies

Education Supplies

This covers school books, uniforms, transport to and from school, education materials / supplies throughout the year, excursions and activities with the school



Each of our children are enrolled in co-curricular and after school activity of their choice. Co-curricular activities such as soccer, dance, MMA and CrossFit allows our children to explore and develop their creative sides, and form friendships within our local community.

Health and Hygiene

Health and Hygiene

Give the gift of health & hygiene today. £7 a month will help to keep our children’s teeth clean and their bodies healthy.

Medical Care

Medical Care

A number of our children and youth require medical care and support. In our home, we have children with ADHD, epilepsy, psychosis, visual impairments, and dental needs. Over the last 18 months our medical costs have increased hugely, and we are looking for donors and sponsors to help support the program.



Give the gift of nourishment today. £40 a month will provide fresh fruit and vegetables at every meal for one of our children.



Give the gift of opportunity today. £20 a month will provide community support, helping to turn survivors into thrivers / helping to build a future full of promise.

Psychological Therapy

Psychological Therapy

A number of our children are working with a local therapist on a weekly basis to help them work through some of the trauma that they have experienced in their childhood. We hope to increase these numbers over the next six months to ensure all of our children and youth have the best support.

School Education

School Education

Education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty that our children were born into. Education sponsorship funds monthly school fees annual inscription and a contribution towards a dedicated tutor to work with the kids in the evenings at our house.



Give the gift of security today. £75 a month will help keep our lights on, provide us with clean running water, and keep a safe roof over our heads.

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