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Over the years, our family home has seen a lot of changes. It began in a small, cramped rented house for seven children with no outdoor play area. With the help of our global supporters, local businesses, and volunteers (including Alan’s own hands!), we were able to; purchase land, build our dream family home, and provide long-term care for up to 30 children and youth at any given time.


We are not an orphanage, our mission is to provide a permanent and stable family home where all our children and youth have green outdoor spaces to safely play and grow. Our family home includes a chapel, a library, a home school and classroom, an onsite office and a pool for swimming lessons. Our Misión México Casa is a safe haven and oasis in the middle of Tapachula.

Our programs ensure all our children and youth have the opportunities to complete their education, have access to health and wellbeing services, and are supported in their transition towards independence when they are age appropriate and ready.

What We Do


In the beginning, Pam started home-schooling seven children with only the help of her daughter Hannah. Today, through our Education Program, every one of our children and youth are attending local schools and extracurricular activities, with the opportunity to be supported through vocational training or university education. In 2014, we saw the creation of our Youth Transition Program which helps our young adults develop skills such as independent and practical living, health and nutrition, positive role modelling, financial planning and budgeting, and practical support sourcing employment. We’ve seen our young adults thrive, becoming successful graduates, employees, and parents.


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